Designing the future of the work newsfeed

“If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads.”
–Ralph Waldo Emerson

As human beings, our lives are shaped by the collection of experiences we live and the people we know.

One of the ways we broaden what we learn from others is by reading. Reading shapes what we know, who we are, how we see, and how we think. Reading is our silent teacher and mentor. It parents us. It’s on our team when we are are alone. It builds our character. It grows our person and intellect, around life and our life’s work. It is an age-old tradition that has transformed societies, started revolutions, and raised world changers. Reading empowers us to be more and to do more.

This is why at feedly we believe that reading is so powerful, especially when it comes to our professional lives. Magic moments manifest when people connect to new ideas through reading — which becomes the fodder for new ideas, innovations, and paradigm shifts. With the explosion of great content all over the web, this type of transformation through reading will only continue to accelerate and help us get better and better at what we do. In this sense, reading is more powerful than ever.

So we’ve dedicated ourselves to facilitating the productive, seamless integration of ideas, knowledge, and creativity, full of magic moments.

With feedly, we are building the “work newsfeed” — the most personalized way for the content you rely on to come to you, so that you can read important stories efficiently and deeply collaborate with other people on the web’s best ideas and inspiration. This more productive reading experience provides people a way to deeply personalize the news that they rely on. When reading on the web is truly personalized, it empowers people to get better at what they do and then put that content to work through a multitude of integrations with other services.

The open web is the best place to see content grow and it is made rich by the creators who contribute to it. So we also build tools that help publishers — small boutique bloggers and news giants alike — nurture and thrill their loyal readers.

But what does it mean to design for people looking for a modern reading experience? One that makes today’s content renaissance on the web clear and accessible and one that works across platforms and screens. In this mode of work, we face some specific challenges:

How do you create a truly personalized experience?

The web is a vast place, exploding with rich content. These experiences on the web really become powerful when they are personalized to us, especially when it comes to getting better at our jobs. This is why our goal at feedly is to create the most personalized news reading experience for the content that is important to us.

This “work newsfeed”—as we like to call it—should not only be filled with rich, high-definition information, free from distractions and noise. It should also allow us to be in the driver’s seat—to fully control what we read and how we want to read it.

With the boom of great content on the web, the ability to control, personalize, and organize that experience is more important than ever, but no product has really delivered it.

We have specific sources we want to read from—we like and trust some more than others—and we can’t merely trust any random algorithm to throw at us a bunch of stories related to our interest. We are more granular. We are more specific. We are more opinionated.

Over the past few years feedly has become a place where you can follow close to any source of content on the web, whether it’s a well-known publisher, a blogger, a YouTube channel, or Google search alerts. As part of the feedly experience, we have also created algorithms that suggest to people great related stories and publications you might like.

But there is so much more we could do. We could supercharge our suggestions and allow even more personalization. We could enhance how we rank the most important stories. We could create new, useful ways to let people define even better what they are trying to achieve with their reading.

How do you design the future of collaboration?

Steve Jobs once said that, “Creativity is about connecting the dots.” We think that reading is about generating these dots.

The most successful people are those who use the stories, insights, and new ideas they discover as inspiration to spark conversation and create something new.

This is why we are building feedly as the news feed with richest personalization tools and the strongest integrations with other web sources, so that you can put content to work. Reading is powerful, and it should be easily streamlined with everything we do — whether it’s saving stories for future reference, sending them to your team or manager, collaborating on the same key internet searches, empowering employees with the right stories, or leading the inspiring others through content.

Today feedly is connected to hundreds of popular services, including Evernote, Dropbox, Buffer, and IFTTT—and we consider this just the beginning. Creating an awesome collaboration experience is core to our roadmap because we believe the future is all about working together and working in teams, and we are excited to take part into shaping this future.

How do you optimize the content experience for all participants?

The popular phrase is true: Content is king.

As online engagement with quality content has soared, brands are becoming publishers, and publishers are becoming brands.

As a reading platform, feedly is in the center of this global trend. It is the watering hole where people come for focused web reading and where publishers can find tools to grow and nurture their most loyal followers.

At feedly we want to support the open web as a thriving ecosystem in which the reader and the publishers are meeting their deepest needs.

How do you use typography, color, and spacing as an ally in creating the best reading experience in the world? How do you balance the need for a focused, uncluttered interface while also presenting publishers, boutique bloggers, and the feedly brand in a beautiful way? We want to help everyone thrive.

So, join us!

There is a lot that we’ve done. But there is still so much more to be done.

We are looking for a product designer who expresses her/his design thinking into clean and efficient visual design (check out the job description here). Please get in touch with if you’re interested. Attach your portfolio, what excites you about working at feedly, and what challenges you like to work on.

We are looking forward to making feedly even better and better every day.

– Arthur Bodolec, feedly designer/co-founder

Author: @feedly

Read more. Know more.

12 thoughts on “Designing the future of the work newsfeed”

  1. I love Feedly – it’s easy and clean and simple. Living in the small-town South, I can see there are literally millions of Americans who don’t use RSS feeds, and are unaware that they can seek and create personalized content. And yet, they complain about the garbage they’re shown online. How about reaching out to a more universal demographic? There’s a big skills gap in this country among the forty-fifty somethings who use computers at work, but haven’t kept up with the rapid changes of the past 10 years. It would do so much to stop the segmentation of our country along economic lines if you would reach out. Get Feedly into middle schools, develop the habit of autodidactic reading and general curiosity in our young people – it’s a gift that’s being lost. Feedly will grow and you’ll meet all of your goals. Beautifully written piece too!

  2. I have been hands on with content curation services for a good deal of time and stopped on a dime when I ran into Feedly. There are others who will allow account holders to curate customized content, but none that I am aware of have integrated their products/services with IFTTT. It reminds me of when the writing was on the wall back when everyone was completely reliant on their “webmaster”, who dutifully charged a handsome fee for what was in fact a few key strokes that only they could make. When the tools began to evolve and the thing they relied upon to earn money was no longer their personal genie in a bottle, I was excoriated loudly and harshly by my peers often, who blamed “people like me” who were “ruining the industry” when their future employment prospectives looked bleak at best. I was a threat to no one, but I was an ever evolving observer of possible changes in the industry and picked what I thought would be the winners and losers to meter my investment in brain cells and clock cycles without drowning with my short sighted and barely employed peers.

    I think that what IFTTT is doing is going to have an effect on websites run by small businesses that will pleasantly surprise many as the API revolutionaries continue to integrate token access with services associated with their particular platform (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.). It’s too much for almost any managers of small businesses to deal with effectively while running a company and managing employees, but this where I see the future of Feedly… a service within the grasp of technically overdosed white collar visionaries, which allow them use the available services in the environment they were designed to service while seamlessly being lashed together and displayed on their customers phones, tablets and computers. This will not replace the core necessary to communicate the company’s vision and to make available products/services in a few taps on apps, or negate the need to keep a close eye on staying relevant for fear of becoming the Blockbuster of their industry,

    Simply put, I can see that you get it. That you aren’t trying to pick the lint out of your customer’s pocket, and can see that you must yourself evolve in order to be the Google or Facebook of content curation, rather than the printed newspaper who chose to fight the future in lieu looking ahead with a vision and philosophy built on a bold embrace of the possibilities ahead. In fact, I believe I understate the similarity between the old FrontPage and Dreamscape webmasters who tried to built a future by keeping secrets, and your competitors like Rebel Mouse, iPaper and others who stayed away from IFTTT.

    Senhor Nélio,
    Para sua compreensão, transcrevemos o artigo do Regulamento do Plano de Benefÿcios 1, que trata do assunto:
    ;Art. 61. Os benefÿcios e rendas de que trata este Regulamento – ressalvados os casos de resgate de reserva em parcela única – serão pagos em prestações mensais e consecutivas, pelo prazo de duração do benefÿcio, no mesmo dia em que o patrocinador Banco do Brasil S.A. fizer o pagamento dos salários de seus empregados.
    § 1º – Os pagamentos devidos pela PREVI em decorrência deste Plano de Benefÿcios serão efetuados por meio das agências do Banco do Brasil S.A, na forma definida em norma interna da PREVI.;
    Em caso excepcionais (como por exemplo, conta corrente bloqueada) o pagamento pode ser feito por Saque Contra Recibo (SCR). Nesse último caso, deverá ser encaminhada uma carta ou e-mail para a PREVI/ GERAT (não pode ser fax), solicitando que o crédito seja feito por SCR, na qual deverá conter a autorização do débito da tarifa bancária. O pedido será analisado e, caso deferido, será comunicado.
    Atualmente o BB não cobra tarifa para ordem de pagamento, mas, caso retorne a cobrança, será repassada para o senhor.
    Permanecemos ÿ disposição.
    Gerência de Atendimento

  4. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
    So lange sich die Kosten von Feedly Pro nicht ändern und es endlich mehrsprachig einsetzbar ist und nur in Englisch abgehalten wird.So denke ich werde ich kein weiteres Jahr an pro abhalten und bitte um Zusendung meiner heute geleisteten Zahlungen. Da es zu teuer ist und noch andere Anbieter auf dem Markt gibt. Es kann nicht sein wenn man ein Produkt Weltweit anbieten will, das man allen Englisch versetzt. Das ist zu einfach und besonders bei diesem Preis.
    Von daher trete ich erstmal zurück und erwarte das die Zahlung auf meiner Kreditkarte 💳 zurück gebucht wird.
    Denn ich habe kein Interesse Daran wenn man sich in dem Fall keine Mühe gibt. Und von jedem Englisch als Sprache zu erwarten ist ein wenig viel.

    Mit Freundlichen Grüßen


  5. Hi. Feedly.
    There are some problem in feedly shortcut system.
    if one feed has multiple category then happen this problem.
    “xxx tech news” has multiple category “News”, “IT”
    “News” category is upper category than “IT” category.
    When readed “xxx tech news” feed, then type “Shift + a” in “IT” category.
    It must move next feed that is included in “IT” category!
    But moved next feed that is included in “News” category, in now shortcut system.
    I am not good at English… sorry!!

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