Join feedly and help make customer support awesome


Update: Nov 21st – This position has been filled. We are excited to have Petr join feedly and lead our customer support group. More in this the first week of January. -Edwin

Hello. We are looking for someone to join the feedly team and lead our customer relationship efforts. This is an important role at feedly because you will be in direct contact with our users and will have a direct impact on how successful they are at using feedly.

Here is a short overview who we are and the qualities we are looking for in a candidate.

Who are we?

  • Feedly is a team of 10 people serving 8M+ users.
  • We are passionate about the Open Web, the power of personalization and our mission to connect people to the ideas and information that matters to them. We have big ambitions for feedly.
  • We are profitable – with a feedly Pro community of 60K subscribers (and growing). We are thrilled that our users are our customers – it helps us focus on building an awesome product (And it also makes the relationship with our users super important).
  • We recently announced the upcoming team/business version of feedly and the level of demand has been huge. We are working on scaling the team to respond to the amazing level of interest from the community.
  • Our differentiation is based on design, ease of use, and technology. So we heavily invest in pushing the limits on both fronts. We have a very refined and iterative design process and we use a modern technology stack on both the front end and the back end.
  • Although our main focus is on building a great product and serving our customers, we are also investing time into nurturing our core values and culture: “Passion for learning/Growth mindset”, “Design like you are right, and listen like you are wrong” and “See opportunity in crisis”.
  • We have a flat organization and work with an agile monthly development process. Everything is discussed openly. Every member of the team has high autonomy and can have high impact at many levels of the product and company culture.
  • We take care of our team. We provide competitive salaries, very generous stock option packages, and a full slate of benefits including health coverage and pre-tax commuter benefits. We also believe in work/life balance: we are in this for the long term.
  • We have a flexible vacation policy, sponsor sports packages, and provide a monthly book allowance to encourage personal growth. Perks include the best equipment available on the market to help you get your job done. We pride ourselves on company get-togethers like our weekly lunches and our monthly Roadmap meetings, which reinforce our culture of collaboration and connectivity.
  • We have offices in Palo Alto and San Francisco to help optimize teamwork while minimizing commute.

You are:

  • You have a growth mindset and love to continuously learn and grow.
  • You are patient, empathic and enjoy interacting with customers.
  • You are persistent and energetic and ready to do whatever it takes to help customers troubleshoot issues.
  • You are a team player and enjoy working with the product team to learn how products work and offer feedback on how to improve the experience.
  • You enjoy sharing knowledge and information with others, writing tutorials and FAQ articles.
  • You either live in the San Francisco area or are interested in a remote working experience.

During your first year at feedly you will:

  • Help thousands of interesting users. The feedly community is very diverse and comes from all over the world. From the academic researcher who uses feedly to stay on top of the latest publications in her field to the social media specialist, CIO, doctor, lawyer, as well as the passionate fly fishing enthusiast, rock climbing fanatic, YouTube fan and die-hard foodie … 8 Million users following 40+ million of feeds on the web means you will get to interact with people from all over the map.
  • Enhance the toolkit we use to support our users and make them more successful. The team has been working on building feedly for over 6 years now. We have a number of tools and systems in place to try and provide the most effective support to our user community (tutorials, knowledge base, Helpscout). Of course, these efforts can always be improved. As the lead for customer relations, you will be able to expand on these existing tools and build on these foundations to provide the best level of support to the community.
  • Work closely with the product team on how to improve feedly. User feedback is essential to our product development process. Input that we get from the community feeds into the features that we build, the design of the app, and everyone in the team benefits from user feedback. As customer success champion, you will be the voice of the user.
  • Contribute to building a culture centered around doing what’s right for users.


If you are interested in exploring this opportunity, please apply to send us some information about yourself.

Our hiring process takes 2-3 weeks. It starts with a 20-minutes Skype introduction where you get to know us and we get to know you. If there is a match, we set up a follow up meeting to learn more about your customer support experience. We finish the process with 3 short meetings where you get to talk to various people in the team – focusing on culture fit.


Author: @feedly

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17 thoughts on “Join feedly and help make customer support awesome”

    1. I love finally choosing feedly as my rss reader. I used Google rss for years and when it was discontinued I tried AOL among the few others. Feedly blows all of them away.
      Thank you and God bless you with prosperity!

  1. “the power of personalization”? and why don’t you allow to organize feeds inside the categories?

  2. Hey guys. Sorry using this space for an off-topic question, Hope you don’t mind.

    I’m looking for a web Rss Feed solution that can be accessed by more than one person online, and at the same time where I can manage each one of the itens of a feed individually, like moving items into folders or deleting itens (When I say ‘item’, I mean specific articles inside a Feed).

    I’m searching for something like that for days now but I can’t find nothing close to it. I’m starting to think that such thing doenst exist, but I need to ask.

  3. Is there any chance you could let us know a general ballpark salary range? I know you choose not to publish it for your own reasons, but even a vague number could help in deciding whether we’d be wasting each other’s time…

  4. Feedly has been a constant part of my life since Google Reader died, and I always kicked myself for not having checked it out before! I am happy to see Feedly being so successful, and especially happy to see you are all at a level where expansion is now a priority. Very excited to see what is to come from Feedly =]

  5. Hi,

    I like feedly very much.
    Since version 31 it started to crash at the start. I think it is because of some links inside but previously (before v31) Feedly worked fined.
    iOs 8.4.1 at iphone 6 plus.
    I tried to remove the app and install it again: same negative result.
    Thank you for help.

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